So, what is this place?

This is basically a blog of me attempting to try 30 new hairstyles I have never done before. I've always had the same hairstyle and thought it was time to try something new. You can read more about why I decided to do this here. This may turn into a regular hair blog though afterwards. (A hair blog is one that tracks a person's hair progress and growth.) We'll see.

Why don't you just use weave or hair accessories to hide your hair? They're convenient and cute!

There are several reasons why I do not wear weave other than the obvious answer: If I don't know how to maintain my own hair, I definitely can't take care of weave!

Though I think weaves look FABULOUS on other black women and have watched how it has helped their hair grow, it is just not my style. I do not like the idea of wearing fake things. I do not wear hair extensions (unless it's braids), nails, eyelashes or anything else that was not home grown by me.

I am a simple girl, and I don't even wear make up. I will start that soon though as I am entering the professional world and know I may need to know how to do it some day.

With that said, I'd rather just work with what I have and let it grow from there.

If you're into versatility, you should go natural! You'll really be wearing your own hair, and it will be less maintanence.

I was actually natural a couple of years, and can tell you maintenance does not decrease at all. Natural hair needs just as much love and attention as relaxed her. My hair is still its same break-happy, dry self whether I put chemicals in it or not. Because I did not take care of it as well, it was breaking all of the time and the growth was stunted there as well.

Looking back, even if I did know how to take care of it, I did not like my hair natural. I know that's a painful statement for some to read, but I did not. No self-hate involved, it's just not my style.

What are your hair goals?
My goal is to have armpit length hair. This girl is my hair idol. Ultimately, I just want my hair long enough to put up in cute updo's every day. These are my favorite hairstyles, and I think they fit my face shape and personal style the best. The armpit length will also come in handy when I need to wear it down. I also have a thing for wavy (not curly) looks and want to be able to do that as well while its in style.

I do not see myself pressing more anything past armpit length because, like I said, I'm a simple girl. Long hair means a lot of work and maintenance. I'm all about keeping it simple.

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