So, I got my hair trimmed again. This is my second trim in three weeks, and I still feel split ends. She cut my hair dry which I think contributed to her not getting all my split ends again. I just let it go this time because any shorter, and I was afraid I would get a Halle Berry haircut.

Here what it is now. The same thing I've always had...

Obviously I'm not happy. And as I type this, I realize I will probably end up spending even money one day for someone to cut off all the hair I will grow over the next few months because it will be split. I hope this is not the case though.

Sigh. This is frustrating.

Today, I just had a small poof in the front. The loose hair on the sides were twisted and then pinned. The bottom was curled.

For this one, you cannot tell from the back what it is, so I've included pictures so you get the gist. This was not my original inspiration, but this was the general style. Here's what I got:

Today, I attempted to do this look:

Here's how I did:

Today, I attempted this look:

Instead of having the sides of my hair out, though, I pinned it all up because it just looked weird to me. Plus Abilene is so windy my hair would've been messy for real.

Here's how it came out.

It's a whole lot like the Day 1 look without the pompadour.

And here are some more pictures because I think they're fun!

I tried to do a roller-set on Sunday evening and failed miserably. My hair was frizzy and limp because parts were still wet. However, the top of my hair showed promise that if I could ever perfect the roller set, I could have curly/wavy hair all the time.

I will keep pressing on, but in the meantime I am two days behind. I will hopefully resume tomorrow to have my 30 ways in 30 days.

It appears my curly doos are turning into updos, but they are turning out really cute. When I did the knots, the top looked REALLY cute. Just like I always imagined. The back was really sad and I could figure out a way to have the curls at the top out and the bottom pinned without looking like Prince, so I put it all up.

It really was super cute. I should've taken pictures of how the actual set looked, but I was late for church. Here is the hair 6 hours later, not as slick due to Abilene winds, but still cute.

This hairstyle was supposed to be a flexi-rod set with waves and curls. It did not turn out so hot, so I pinned the sides. It made for a cute style in the back, the side profile is questionable, and the front was cute as well.

That stye is looking a bit better though!

I realized that when I went to get my hair trimmed last week, the stylist still left some of my split ends. I had so many split ends, the trim became a haircut, so I'm nervous to cut off more. However, this experience has taught me that I need to start off fresh and clean or else all my hair work will just be destroyed.

The only problem is I don't have the money to go to her again, so I'm thinking about trimming my hair myself. Between relaxing my own hair and trying new hairstyles, I'm just turning into a one-stop hair machine!

For this style, I sectioned a small part in front and created a pompadour by going old school using a folded sock instead of backcombing. I did not backcomb both because I did not think about it and because I'm not sure if this would promote breakage. Either way, the sock worked!

I had an interview today, so the height added a bit more sophistication and personality. I liked!

Please do not mind the huge stye on my left eye. I can usually see fully through both eyelids.

This morning, during my morning check in with Facebook, I saw a video of myself and some girlfriends playing MadGab. In spite of the embarrassing facial expressions, bitterness, and almost-cursing, I was most embarrassed that I was wearing my same hairstyle.

I have had the same hairstyle for as long as I can remember getting my hair-flat ironed, probably four years now. My hair has always been shoulder length and bumped under. I have never done anything new to it because I didn't learn to do my hair growing up. I kept it the same because I was trying to grow it out. Lately, it was because I did not know what else to do with it.

However, upon seeing that video, I knew I had to do something. I needed to do something new.

I then vowed to do something different with my hair everyday. As a part of the Hairlista community, I knew it could not use heat or cause too much damage to my hair. So I spent the morning (and a good part of work) looking for short/medium length hairstyles.

This is a blog of what I found. This is my journey.

While deleting my old blog, I found this old entry from February. I have obviously had a set back, but my goal is still APL (armpit length) by December 2010. Read on to learn a little bit more about this journey.


Throughout my life, I have had hair that grows really fast, but breaks very easily. Many factors have contributed to this: press & curls by my mother gone wrong, bad perms, poor removal of braids, and just plain not moisturizing.

This problem is common among black women, but I am one of the few who do not know how to do their hair at all. In this area, I feel like I am 15 years behind everyone. I just learned how to flat iron my hair by myself less than two years ago, and the basic maintenance I never learned.

I've always joked with a couple friends that I need a hair mentor, someone to show me step by step what to do. Throughout the past, I've asked countless friends and stylists for tips and they always give short, vague answers as if I know what they're talking about. I learned not to ask for more because I became bothersome and they stopped seeming so willing to answer.

So, this year, I prayed and I asked God for a hair mentor. I really needed someone to take me by the hand and act like I was a 5 year old learning how to comb her hair by herself for the first time.... and he answered with Ateyaa.

When I first found her channel on YouTube, I was so incredibly happy! I stayed up all night watching her videos about her hair regimens, how she wrapped it, and everything else. It was a Godsend, and I got on my knees and thanked him. As wonderful as Ateyaa is, I discovered that everything she does does not work for me. My hair is still breaking, and I have an aversion to wearing weave. I've recently learned that I never want to wear extensions and wigs are out of the question unless there's an emergency.

Then, this past week, I was looking at videos on YouTube, and happened upon someone else who also did tutorials on hair and showed how her hair had grown from being damaged to down to her bra strap. Again, I thanked God as a visited her blog and watched all her videos. But then, I discovered that she was not alone, but there is a whole COMMUNITY of black women who love long hair (straight, curly, and natural) who do not wear weaves, use "miracle" products, or anything... And I had hope. This girl in particular has hair exactly like mine and less than 2 years later, it is long and flowing down her back.

And now, I'm writing this because I'm going to begin my own.

Today, on February 1, 2009, marks the beginning of it. I have already started by using a 2-Step protein treatment and sealing my hair with olive oil. For the first time in a while, I will attempt a braid out and try to have some nice curly hair at the end.

I am so excited for this! For years, my hair has been a source of joy and pain all at once. I was at the point where I was toying with the idea of cutting it all off because it was just such a burden.To finally have a whole group of people who are there to support me and will share their journey with me is such a blessing.

My hair goal is by August of this year to have my hair healthier and closer to shoulder length. BSL (bra strap length) by December 2010.


So, what is this place?

This is basically a blog of me attempting to try 30 new hairstyles I have never done before. I've always had the same hairstyle and thought it was time to try something new. You can read more about why I decided to do this here. This may turn into a regular hair blog though afterwards. (A hair blog is one that tracks a person's hair progress and growth.) We'll see.

Why don't you just use weave or hair accessories to hide your hair? They're convenient and cute!

There are several reasons why I do not wear weave other than the obvious answer: If I don't know how to maintain my own hair, I definitely can't take care of weave!

Though I think weaves look FABULOUS on other black women and have watched how it has helped their hair grow, it is just not my style. I do not like the idea of wearing fake things. I do not wear hair extensions (unless it's braids), nails, eyelashes or anything else that was not home grown by me.

I am a simple girl, and I don't even wear make up. I will start that soon though as I am entering the professional world and know I may need to know how to do it some day.

With that said, I'd rather just work with what I have and let it grow from there.

If you're into versatility, you should go natural! You'll really be wearing your own hair, and it will be less maintanence.

I was actually natural a couple of years, and can tell you maintenance does not decrease at all. Natural hair needs just as much love and attention as relaxed her. My hair is still its same break-happy, dry self whether I put chemicals in it or not. Because I did not take care of it as well, it was breaking all of the time and the growth was stunted there as well.

Looking back, even if I did know how to take care of it, I did not like my hair natural. I know that's a painful statement for some to read, but I did not. No self-hate involved, it's just not my style.

What are your hair goals?
My goal is to have armpit length hair. This girl is my hair idol. Ultimately, I just want my hair long enough to put up in cute updo's every day. These are my favorite hairstyles, and I think they fit my face shape and personal style the best. The armpit length will also come in handy when I need to wear it down. I also have a thing for wavy (not curly) looks and want to be able to do that as well while its in style.

I do not see myself pressing more anything past armpit length because, like I said, I'm a simple girl. Long hair means a lot of work and maintenance. I'm all about keeping it simple.